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स्वाध्याय svādhyāya – independent self study

स्वाध्याय svādhyāya independent self study; self-knowledge; learning from yourself; listening to yourself; paying heed to yourself

When one has the inclination to learn on one’s own, only then does their brain develop holistically.

स्वाध्याय Svādhyāya is a form of independent study and self-observation that occurs as those genuine questions arise in relation to one’s current environment, atmosphere or circumstances. Co-learners’ time spent in self study covering various general standard school subjects according to individual interest.

विभिन्न परिस्थितियों में मौलिक रूप से उपजे सवालों का अध्ययन करना स्वाध्याय है। विद्यार्थियों और षिक्षकों के द्वारा विभिन्न स्थितियों, विशयों से उत्पन्न सवालों पर साथ मिलकर खोज की जाती है। बच्चे स्वाध्याय की ओर प्रवृत्त हों इसके लिए उनको उनके सवालों के साथ अध्ययन करने का अवसर दिया जाता है। बच्चों और षिक्षकों को स्वाध्याय हेतु पुस्तकालयों, षैक्षणिक भ्रमणों आदि का अवसर दिया जाता है। मनुश्य में स्वाध्याय की प्रवृत्ति होने से ही उसके मस्तिश्क का समग्र विकास होता है. अतः स्वाध्याय अर्थात आत्मावलोकन ही आत्मषुद्धि का मूल है।

The study of oneself is a constant and continuous process throughout all group activities as well as independent silent time at SNC.

Studying by oneself is a process of learning about a subject, not as in passively receiving a transfer of information disseminated from the teacher, but by the student actively questioning , research, experimenting and discussing their discoveries with a fellow co-learner.

स्वाध्याय Svādhyāya is what nurtures originality and creativity, keeping the flame of creativity and originality, ignited beyond the classroom throughout one’s entire life.